Opt out from Advertiser Offers

Rokt provides a facility for you to opt out of seeing all future third-party advertiser offers on Rokt Sites.

To opt out, enter one or more space-separated email addresses below or please send an email to privacy@rokt.com with the subject “Opt Out”. Note we will keep a copy of your email address on file to retain a record that you have opted out. If you use another email with a Rokt Partner, then you may need to opt out from multiple email addresses in order to ensure you don’t see any targeted third-party offers in future.

Even if you opt out you will still need to unsubscribe directly from any of our Partners' or Advertisers' mailing lists if you want to stop receiving electronic communications from them.

To exercise one or more of your privacy rights, or to ask a question about these rights or any other provision of the Rokt Privacy Policy, or about our processing of your Personal Information, please fill out the Privacy Request Webform or send an email to privacy@rokt.com.